Who We Are

Happy Little Plants was born out of the desire to share quality heirloom veg plants with our friends and community.

We are Jane & Emma, two active mum's with a passion for growing and being outdoors.

We love to connect with our community by providing quality, locally grown seedlings, that will thrive in our region and help feed local families for many months of the year.

We met in 2018, when our first borns started school, we quickly learnt that we had similar interests and lifestyle goals.

We both live on 10 acre properties and are the primary home coordinators for our families.

In 2021 we completed a Permaculture Design Course and since then have worked to improve the health of our properties using regenerative and permaculture principals.

Happy Little Plants allows us to germinate, grow, harvest, eat and share tasty heirloom veggie varieties.

We look forward to growing for you!

Jane Murphy & Emma Vorbach